

Abbotsford map

Suburb Profile: Abbotsford

Council: City of Yarra Council KMs from CBD: 2km Population: 8,184 Top languages spoken other than English: Vietnamese 462 Mandarin 355 Greek 204 Cantonese 173 Spanish 115 Abbotsford is the home of an…
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Orthodox Easter 101

From the decorated eggs, fireworks and different dates, Orthodox Easter or ‘Pascha’, is distinctly different from the Easter many Australians know. Why is Orthodox Easter celebrated on a different day?…
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new humans australia

New Humans of Australia

New Humans of Australia is a Facebook photography project inspiring Australians to challenge common misconceptions of refugees and migrants who now call Australia home. For the creator Nicola Gray, New Humans of Australia started…
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mandarin cantonese

Mandarin vs. Cantonese

Mandarin vs. Cantonese, what’s the difference? Despite the fact that Mandarin and Cantonese use the same standard Chinese script, they are mutually unintelligible. Watch this video for a simple explanation!
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