
Suburb Profile: Dandenong, VICTORIA.

Council: City of Greater Dandenong

Kms from the CBD: 30km

Population: 29,906

Top languages spoken other than English:

  1. Hazaraghi 2,359
  2. Dari 1,926
  3. Albanian 1,516
  4. Tamil 1,384
  5. Punjabi 1,211

If you’re yet to visit Melbourne’s diverse suburb of Dandenong, be sure to add it to your list of things to do. It is one of Melbourne’s most multicultural suburbs, with 67.3% of households speaking a language other than English. You’ll find it located in the locality of Greater Dandenong, which is the most culturally diverse locality in Victoria, and the second most diverse in Australia! The top birth countries of Dandenong residents (after Australia) are Afghanistan, India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and China.

But there is more to Dandenong than just the impressive diversity statistics. The streets are lined with multicultural shops, restaurants and market stalls, where the welcoming community embraces residents (and visitors) from all walks of life.

Credit: The World Loves Melbourne.

When Melbourne foodies look for their next feast, they probably consider suburbs like Brunswick and Richmond, but Dandenong is a multi-ethnic smorgasbord giving those suburbs a run for their money! From the best Iranian dates, to freshly made Afghan bread, there’s something for everyone. And while you’re there, a trip to Dandenong wouldn’t be complete without visiting the Dandenong Market, which boasts over 300 vendors with local fresh produce.

Credit: The World Loves Melbourne.

To truly feel part of what Dandenong has to offer you can take a cultural tour, including the Food Lovers TourAfghan Bazaar Cultural TourLittle India Tour and the Progressive Polish Food Tour.

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