
Breastscreen Victoria assists women from non-english speaking backgrounds to access free breast screens

Breast cancer touches the lives of so many in our community. Breast cancer survivor, Rosemary Kelade, CEO of the Spectrum Migrant Resource Centre, has an Italian-Egyptian background and now carries the message to other women about the importance of early screening.

In a recent article by Neos Cosmos she said:

“Through my work I know there are many women in the 50-69 age bracket who do not speak English. I would urge family members and members of the community to stress the importance of breast screening.”

To make it easier for non-English speaking women aged 50-69 years to book in for a free breast screening every two years, the BreastScreen Victoria website provides an interpreter service and information in twelve different languages. Women who visit the site can read facts about breast screening and download forms in their own language.

Although BreastScreen Victoria targets women aged 50-69 years, it says that women aged 40-49 years and those over 70 years are also welcome to book in for a free breast screening mammogram. The mammogram is performed by a woman and only takes about ten minutes.

BreastScreen Victoria is asking all members of the community to spread the word about early screening Find out more information by visiting BreastScreen Victoria’s website.

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