
Victor Fan and Life Saving Victoria Promote Water Safety within the Chinese Community

In 2012 Victor Fan nearly drowned while rock fishing at Pyramid Rock, near Phillip Island.

Victor spent time in intensive care at the Alfred Hospital before making a complete recovery.

Now Victor is using his experiences to help raise safety awareness and prevent further tragedies amongst Chinese fishers. Victor has joined forces with Life Saving Victoria as its new ambassador for rock fishing safety.

LOTE has had a long association with Life Saving Victoria and recently undertook a research project for them. LOTE organised, facilitated and reported on the Chinese and Vietnamese community’s rock fishing behaviour and knowledge of water safety when rock fishing. Through focus group testing, LOTE examined visual messages and their impact on rock fishing behaviour.

LOTE’s research resulted in a community tested and driven summer advertising campaign targeted at raising awareness of water safety when rock fishing within the Chinese and Vietnamese communities.

In addition to his new role with Life Saving Victoria, Victor has achieved another personal milestone. After just two months of swimming lessons, he can now swim 25 metres of breaststroke, unaided!

LOTE is proud to be a part of this success story and congratulates Victor and Life Saving Victoria on their efforts to educate the community and save lives.

For information about rock fishing safety, visit the Life Saving Victoria website.

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