
Benefits of Animation for Multicultural Campaigns

Any message can be delivered, but no matter how important, exciting or relevant your message is, the audience will only take action if it’s delivered in an engaging and effective way. That’s where animation can help.

Animations are everywhere online. They’re on websites, social media and they even pop up in emails. It comes as no surprise that animations are taking over our online experience, they’re one of the most effective marketing tools.

Whilst there are countless benefits of animation in general, and for multiculturalcommunications in particular.

Character development

Animations are all about characters and their story. If you’re targeting a multicultural audience, our animators can develop culturally neutral characters to ensure there is no stereotyping in place and no cultural group is singled out. This might mean that the animation character will an unconventional appearance, for example they might be blue, or be shaped as a square.

Message delivery

Typically when we think of animations, we think of bright colours and fun music, but in fact, animations can be and should be tailored to the message content and context. For instance, culturally sensitive topics will require more formal designs.

Cost effective

A major benefit of animation is that they’re cost effective when producing multiple language versions. This is because with the right visuals, animations require very little onscreen text, making one animation the platform for other languages. To produce other language versions, only the voiceover needs to be recorded, meaning you can reach multiple language groups for a fraction of the cost of video production.


Animatios have a unique potential to go viral, as they can be easily shared across social networks. As a result, they drive traffic back to your website and increase public awareness about your campaign.


Refreshing your multicultural strategy to include animation will not only help to give your product, message or service a modern touch, but will also allow your message to be heard across several languages, at a cost friendly price.


The LOTE Agency are a team of multidisciplinary specialists dedicated to partnering with our clients and community to create meaningful results. Get in touch today to find out how we can assist your organisation. 

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