
Meet Helena Rojas!

Helena Rojas is LOTE’s newest team member. Her whole working career has been shaped by the multicultural industry, and here at LOTE she will take on the role of Sales and Account Manager. We are proud to welcome Helena to our family, and look forward to what the future brings.

Read our chat below to get to know Helena more!

You’ve had a huge amount of experience in the multicultural industry, can you tell us a bit about it? 

I have worked within a multicultural medium my entire career, pretty much an organic entry mainly due to my upbringing which presented me with the ability to speak three languages fluently: French, Spanish, and English. 

I lived in four countries before the age of 15 and very quickly understood and recognised the importance of cultural differences. Therefore, working in any capacity within the industry representing Australian Multiculturalism is what made the most sense to me.

Since begging my career within the translation services industry I’ve witnessed many changes in technology. An interesting change was transitioning English text writing for the web and software into Technical Simplified English to prepare for internationalisation and localisation.

What do you like most about working in the multicultural industry? 

I love the capacity it has to enrich any workplace! I find it really rewarding and I enjoy helping clients connect with CALD audiences and make a difference in the community. 

What can our clients expect from you?

Clients can expect a huge amount of understanding around cultural differences. I also value client communication and make sure I am available to discuss anything, from ideas they may have, to making sure every detail on their project is looked after. 

Outside of work, what are you passionate about?

I am passionate about children learning languages as it increases many possibilities for their future. I also love travel and cooking. My husband is Greek, and we enjoy experimenting and cooking with foods from Greece and Latin America.

Helena Rojas

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