Austin Health – Cancer Caregiver Research

CALD Materials

Austin Health – Cancer Caregiver Research

A cancer diagnosis presents a profound physical, practical, psychological, and emotional challenge to patients, survivors, and families. This challenge is likely to be even more difficult for CALD communities, where cultural differences affect how cancer is perceived and expectations about treatment and recovery. Austin Health was researching the support CALD cancer survivors and their carers need, and LOTE recruited participants from Greek, Chinese, and Arabic communities diagnosed with cancer in the last five years.

LOTE carried out bespoke grassroots recruitment of fifty participants each from the Greek, Chinese and Arabic communities. LOTE managed the relationship with the participants, providing them with technical support to complete the survey and managing reimbursements. Once the research was completed, LOTE produced and promoted a webinar for Austin Health and its partners to share the findings of the research with communities.