
Tips for Social Media Media Marketing with CALD Communities

People are social beings, and just as in real life, social media marketing is largely based on online networking – connecting with people in order to share information, news and ideas.

Networking can be easy when everyone speaks the same language, but imagine going to a networking event where everyone speaks Japanese, except you. How would you promote your product or service to people who couldn’t understand you? That would be a waste of time, unless, of course, you had a Japanese interpreter with you.

Social media marketing for multicultural audiences is no different. If you want to connect with people who don’t speak English, read on for our top tips for social media marketing to CALD communities:

SEO (Search engine optimization)

Google remains the top platform where people search for information and services they need. If you want your services to be found, then you should become familiar with the advertising space Adwords. Google allows businesses run targeted advertising campaigns, meaning you can place a translated ad on Google, which will only be seen by people who read the language and you only pay for that ad when the right person clicks on it. Genius!

Social Media Platforms

Platforms like Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram also offer targeted advertising, so you can choose the specific audience you would like to reach. Target audiences can be refined by: location, languages spoken, age, gender and interests. Similarly to Adwords, translated ads will only pop up on the newsfeed of the appropriate audiences.


Blogs, just like this one, can help you connect and share valuable information with multicultural audiences. Creating engaging and versatile content is crucial but above all, cultural sensitivity is key. Featuring guest bloggers and publishing interviews with community leaders are great ways to authentically attract CALD communities. For optimal reach, be sure to have the blog translated in the language of your target audience.


Digital newsletter services like Mail Chimp also enable you to target specific recipients. For example, if you are seeking to connect with your Greek subscribers, the first step would be to have your newletter translated by a professional translator. The second step is to simply set Mail Chimp to send it out specifically to your Greek audience. It is really easy to execute, but it gives the impression of personalised approach and careful consideration to your target audience.

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