New South Wales Rugby League – Community Research

New South Wales Rugby League - Community Research Booklet

New South Wales Rugby League – Community Research

The LOTE Agency was approached by New South Wales Rugby League (NSWRL) to conduct research with CALD communities to obtain insights on their attitudes towards NSWRL’s programs. These programs aim to engage and integrate CALD communities through sport, allowing NSWRL to have high-level insights into barriers and opinions from their CALD communities in NSW.

To gain a better idea of their target audience, LOTE reached out to participants with Chinese and Indian backgrounds and Arabic-speaking communities. Our research team focused on key local government areas to seek people from an Indian background or Arabic-speaking community with children aged 4-12 years old. With the research insights we’ve gathered, LOTE was able to provide NSWRL with assets and collateral that were culturally appropriate while providing them with an understanding of communities’ preferred communication methods.