
Ingrid Whitford

Quality Assurance Manager


As a QA manager, Ingrid strives to maintain the highest quality of work within all translated materials by creating a robust QA process to ensure exceptional artwork standards. She firmly believes that communication materials should not only look great and be consistent but also provide valuable information to those who rely on them.

Her diverse work experience includes designing and creating artwork for food packaging, as well as developing communication materials for Papua New Guinea communities. With a diploma in Graphic Design, her educational background equips her with the necessary skills to excel in her role.

Prior to her role as a QA manager, she worked in dance, which instilled in her a pursuit of perfection in everything she does and shaped her work ethic and attention to detail at LOTE.

Outside of work, she prioritises spending time with her family and two cats. She enjoys channeling her creativity through her own artwork and finding joy in renovating her home space and tending to her garden.