Citipower, United Energy and Powercor – Be Power SMART Campaign

multicultural outreach materials

Citipower, United Energy and Powercor – Be Power SMART Campaign

CitiPower and Powercor appointed The LOTE agency to support multicultural communications and community engagement for the “Be Power SMART” campaign. The campaign encouraged Victorians to make better and more effective use of their power usage to manage costs during summer and prepare residents for unplanned power outages.

The LOTE Agency distributed information through a grassroots PR campaign, communicating information for the CitiPower, Powercor and United Energy networks.

Each network targeted a specific language group and region based on areas of service. The outreach included translation of material assets, creation and distribution of a stakeholder pack to community connectors, multicultural organisations and social media language groups.

The campaign targeted the following language groups:​

– Arabic
– Vietnamese
– Traditional Chinese
– Simplified Chinese
– Greek
– Hindi
– Punjabi