
The world calls!

This month LOTE’s General Manager Adrienne Meakin is representing both LOTE and the Australian language service industry at GALA’s annual conference in Istanbul.
GALA – The Globalization and Localization Association is the world’s largest trade association for the language industry. As a non-profit organization, GALA provides resources, education, advocacy, and research for thousands of global companies.
Their annual conference is a great opportunity for language service providers from around the world to network and collectively discuss the latest technologies and emerging trends in the localisation and translation services industry.
GALA conferences foster a community environment to support peer-to-peer learning and unrivalled professional development opportunities within our unique industry.
LOTE is very excited to join the table at GALA for the first time and anticipates learning a great deal from rubbing shoulders with like-minded companies in Europe.
For more information on GALA or the conference –

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